Immense performance improvement!

Filter cells with high-strength, waterproof fiberglass paper medium "filtex®Narrow Pleat". High air volume rates can be filtered with low cross-sectional area. The filter efficiency starts on high level. The standard frame is made of massive hard plastic. This allowes super tight fitting without air leaking.....  [More]
Compact filters

In standard air handling units and air conditioning units, the most used filtertypes are pocket filters or filter cells. This allows only filtering of limited air volume rates. If the air volume rate is over limit, the filter class according EN779 can not be reached....  [More]
New air filter standard EN779:2011 accepted!

The last hurdle was taken by the end of March, 2011. The new version of EN779:2011 was accepted by the member countries CEN with 21 yeses and 9 abstentions. ....  [More]